Das zweite Soloalbum der Violinistin und Klangkünstlerin JESSICA MOSS (THEE SILVER MT. ZION, VIC CHESNUTT, CARLA BOZULICH). Seit der Veröffentlichung ihres hochgelobten Debütalbums ,Pools Of Light" ...
180-Gramm-Vinyl mit großem Kunstdruck. Das zweite Soloalbum der Violinistin und Klangkünstlerin JESSICA MOSS (THEE SILVER MT. ZION, VIC CHESNUTT, CARLA BOZULICH). Seit der Veröffentlichung ihres ...
Galaxy Heart is Moss' fourth record for Constellation and the companion album to 2021's Phosphenes. Galaxy Heart features guest appearances by Jim White (Xylouris White, Springtime, Dirty Three) and ...
Galaxy Heart is Moss' fourth record for Constellation and the companion album to 2021's Phosphenes. Galaxy Heart features guest appearances by Jim White (Xylouris White, Springtime, Dirty Three) and ...
A phosphene is "the phenomenon of seeing light without light entering the eye." The title of the heart-rending and resolute new album by composer/violinist Jessica Moss could not be better chosen. ...
A phosphene is "the phenomenon of seeing light without light entering the eye." The title of the heart-rending and resolute new album by composer/violinist Jessica Moss could not be better chosen. ...
The debut solo full-length by violinist and sound artist Jessica Moss (Thee Silver Mt. Zion, Black Ox Orkestar, Vic Chesnutt, Carla Bozulich). Recorded by Radwan Ghazi Moumneh (Jerusalem In My Heart, ...
180gram vinyl includes 12x24 art print poster + 320kbps MP3 download The debut solo full-length by violinist and sound artist Jessica Moss (Thee Silver Mt. Zion, Black Ox Orkestar, Vic Chesnutt, ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr