In den eigenen Worten von THE EX: ,Wir fangen mit einem neuen Album jedes Mal bei null an. Wir gehen in den Proberaum und haben nur ein paar vage Ideen, ein Riff oder einen Beat und schauen von dort ...
LP mit 36-seitigem Photobuch im LP Format. Photos von Andy Moor. In den eigenen Worten von THE EX: ,Wir fangen mit einem neuen Album jedes Mal bei null an. Wir gehen in den Proberaum und haben nur ...
A compilation of the highlights from almost 25 years of The Ex history at the Bimhuis, Amsterdam; one of the worlds leading jazzclubs. Some twelve exciting concerts and festivals with dozens of ...
Originally released in 1988, this reissue comes completely like the original release and includes 8 newspaper-posters and lyrics-sheet/poster. "The Ex are a regression to the pop of rage. They ...
Re-release of the double LP with original artwork. 24-page LP-size magazine. Original release date: 1984. "It's caustic. A real burner. (...) While still retaining an all important relevant edge to ...
Re-release of the SINGLES BOX, NOW ON LP. Original release date: 1983. With all original artwork, A2 poster and 16- page photo-booklet. "This package continues the dance of the dispossessed, with a ...
Re-release of the very first The Ex LP from 1980! Completely in the original version. With all artwork, posters, booklets and flyers. All on the `different' The Ex record labels: DISTURBING DOMESTIC ...
Few bands are as focused on potential challenges, on what is yet to come, as The Ex. Which is pretty remarkable for a band celebrating 45 years of existence, a turbulent journey filled with an ...
Re-release of the second The Ex LP from 1982! Completely in the original version. With all artwork, posters, booklets and flyers. All on the `different' The Ex record labels: HISTORY IS WHAT'S ...
Two blinking new tracks by The Ex: direct, urgent, willful and joyfully obstinate. Recorded in the rehearsalroom, in three hours and mixed in two: fat-free and no words wasted. "How Thick You Think" ...
In true `Ex fashion', If Your Mirror Breaks picks up where 27 Passports left off, and erupts like a musical short story collection, a ten-part series of surrealist daydreams, calls to action, ominous ...
In true `Ex fashion', If Your Mirror Breaks picks up where 27 Passports left off, and erupts like a musical short story collection, a ten-part series of surrealist daydreams, calls to action, ominous ...
"In einem Jahrzehnt, in dem jeder von der INCREDIBLE STRING BAND bis zu THE JESUS LIZARD eine Comeback feierte, haben doch immernoch THE EX die Nase vorn. Sie sind nicht nur nach mehr als 30 Jahren ...
Re-release of the POKKEHERRIE LP! including original A2- poster and LP-size booklet. Original release date: 1985. "The Ex, with `Pokkeherrie' have produced a masterful killer weapon of raw power that ...
Ende der siebziger Jahre des letzen Jahrhunderts, in einer dunklen Ecke von Amsterdam, gründete sich eine Band namens THE EX. Time Warp: 25 Jahre später gibt es die Band noch immer und die Nachfrage ...
Originally released in 1987, this reissue comes completely like the original release and includes newspaper & poster/lyrics-sheet. "These fervent Dutch activists are seeking to hijack the trad rock ...
GATEFOLD LP + B1-POSTER. "TUMULT", recorded at Joke's Koeienverhuurbedrijf, Schellingwoude, Netherlands, Jan. 10-19 1983. Produced by Dolf Planteijdt + Jon Langford. Original release-date: 1983. THE ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr