Founded in 2001, Minus the Bear have worked relentlessly over the past 12 years to build a large and devoted following worldwide via consistent releases and non-stop touring. The band has released ...
+ 180g blackvinyl, limited to 1000 copies! + FINAL RELEASE BY MINUS THE BEAR "That dichotomy between dark imagery and danceable, inventive rock has always been a hallmark of Minus The Bear's sound" - ...
"That dichotomy between dark imagery and danceable, inventive rock has always been a hallmark of Minus The Bear's sound" - Noisey Minus the Bear is a product of the first two decades of this century. ...
Farewell covers a lot of ground across the span of its 26 songs and two-hour run time. Yet every moment is a reminder of why Minus the Bear were such an experiential live band. They were always ...
Zur Feier des zehnten Bandjubiläums von MINUS THE BEAR veröffentlicht Suicide Squeeze die ersten Aufnahmen der Band auf Vinyl. ,Highly Refined Pirates" ist das erste richtige Album von MINUS THE ...
Blue Smoke Vinyl. To celebrate Minus the Bear's 10th anniversary, Suicide Squeeze will issue the band's earliest recordings on vinyl. "Highly Rened Pirates," is Minus the Bear's rst proper album. ...
To celebrate Minus the Bear's 10th anniversary, Suicide Squeeze will issue the band's earliest recordings on vinyl. "Highly Rened Pirates," is Minus the Bear's rst proper album. Originally released ...
MINUS THE BEAR schlugen vor sechs Jahren wie ein Komet in der Szene ein. Nach vielen ausverkauften Shows und ungezählten Underground-Hits, sieht nun das Schicksal für MINUS THE BEAR den Weg vor, den ...
Drei Jahre nach dem fesselnden Long Player Debüt ,Highly Refined Pirates" stellte die hochgradig stylische Seattler Indie Pop Band MINUS THE BEAR ihren mit beachtlichen Störimpulsen durchsetzten Prog ...
Recorded, produced, and chiefly knob-twisted by Minus the Bear, Menos El Oso moves further into the band's forward-thinking, angular rock canon. Weaving through territories long established by 70's ...
Drei Jahre nach dem fesselnden Long Player Debüt ,Highly Refined Pirates" stellte die hochgradig stylische Seattler Indie Pop Band MINUS THE BEAR ihren mit beachtlichen Störimpulsen durchsetzten Prog ...
Drei Jahre nach dem fesselnden Long Player Debüt ,Highly Refined Pirates" stellte die hochgradig stylische Seattler Indie Pop Band MINUS THE BEAR ihren mit beachtlichen Störimpulsen durchsetzten Prog ...
Following the success of Highly Refined Pirates' forward-thinking guitar gymnastics and Menos El Oso's groundbreaking glitch rock, Seattle's premier pop revisionists Minus The Bear dug into some of ...
Following the success of Highly Refined Pirates' forward-thinking guitar gymnastics and Menos El Oso's groundbreaking glitch rock, Seattle's premier pop revisionists Minus The Bear dug into some of ...
"Pop" is a tag that's been assigned to Minus The Bear throughout their career. It's been used to set a distinction between the unique brand of complex indie rock they introduced on their first EP and ...
Reisse of Minus the Bear's earliest recordings on Coke Bottle Clear Vinyl. "This Is What I Know About Being Gigantic," is the starting point, Minus the Bear's debut. Originally released on CD in ...
Für ihr sechstes Album, "VOIDS", machten MINUS THE BEAR Tabula Rasa und fanden sich mehr oder weniger zufällig an der gleichen Quelle wieder, aus der sie ursprünglich ihre kreative Energie schöpften. ...
180g Vinyl! Für ihr sechstes Album, "VOIDS", machten MINUS THE BEAR Tabula Rasa und fanden sich mehr oder weniger zufällig an der gleichen Quelle wieder, aus der sie ursprünglich ihre kreative ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr